Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition that causes numbness and tingling of the hand, pain, and loss of function if not treated. Endoscopic carpal tunnel release is an effective surgical option to combat these symptoms.
What is Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release?
Carpal tunnel release surgery is performed to treat and heal carpal tunnel syndrome. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, which means that you can return home after surgery to heal. Local anesthetic is used during this procedure to numb the hand and the wrist.
Endoscopic carpal tunnel release involves the use of an endoscope (a thin tube that contains a camera), which is placed into the wrist through a small incision. This camera guides the surgeon throughout the procedure as thin, specialized tools are placed through the wrist through another incision. The surgeon will cut the carpal ligament and enlarge the carpal tunnel. Incisions will then be closed with stitches.
Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Recovery
Following surgery, your hand and wrist will be placed in heavy bandaging or a splint to keep the wrist immobilized. Once the split is removed, it may be recommended that you start a physical therapy program. A physical therapist can teach you certain exercises to strengthen the area and speed the healing process. Overall, recovery can take anywhere from a few days to months.