Posted on 17 Aug 2023
It may surprise you to learn that hand and finger injuries are the most common type of injury that occurs in workplaces. The reason for this is that workers use their hands for virtually everything – especially in fields like hospitality, construction, office-based work, and more. If you’ve sustained a workplace hand injury and require expert care, then Dr. Keith Neaman and Dr. Peter Tsai can help you navigate treatment and workers’ compensation. Here is what to know about some of the most common types of hand injuries in workplaces and how they can be treated here at Neaman Hand Surgery.
Overuse Injuries
Overuse injuries happen because of repetitive motions that strain the tendons in the hands over time. This condition is called tendonitis and can cause symptoms like stiffness, pain, and weakness in the muscles. This happens because of swelling in the tendons that cause them to rub against the sheath surrounding them, decreasing their ability to move. Tendons in the hands can be especially susceptible to overuse injuries, especially with activities like typing, lifting, or sorting.
Lacerations are the most common type of work-related hand injury. They can vary in severity but can potentially be very serious – even leading to damage to the tendons or nerves and requiring reconstruction by a skilled surgeon. Lacerations are most often caused by tools or machinery that are misused or don’t work the way they should, or because of distractions or fatigue. Lacerations often require more significant rehabilitation in order to guide the healing process and ensure you regain full mobility, especially if damage to the tendons or nerves is involved.
The most common fractures of the wrist and hand involve the distal radius, metacarpal, phalangeal, and scaphoid. Distal radius and scaphoid fractures often occur when falling onto an outstretched hand. Falling onto a fist is typically the cause of metacarpal fractures while phalangeal fractures typically happen when something falls onto the fingers. In order to maintain full mobility of the hand and wrist, a hand surgeon may be needed to ensure it heals correctly.
Crush injuries most often occur to the tips of the fingers. These types of injuries usually involve pinches or crushes from things like heavy objects falling, getting caught between moving parts, being jammed in a door, or the use of hammers. Crush injuries can require expert care because they take a long time to heal – this is because of the many nerve endings present in the tips of the fingers as well as nail beds and soft pads.
Schedule a Consultation
At Neaman Hand Surgery, you can find expert surgical care for the hand and wrist along with the convenience of our state-of-the-art accredited surgery center. At our private facility, you can undergo your procedure without the need to stay at a hospital or outpatient center. Our experienced surgical team will take every step to ensure your safety and comfort during your hand surgery.
Our team offers expert care for workplace injuries of the hand and wrist. To meet with our surgeons and learn more, contact our Salem, OR office today by calling or filling out our online form.