Posted on 15 Feb 2024
Ganglion cysts are very common lumps that occur in the hand area. These lumps are noncancerous and are typically harmless for the body. These cysts can occur in many locations on the body but are most commonly found in the area on the back of the wrist.
These cysts are fast occurring and may disappear or vary in size. These cysts do not always require treatment, however if the cyst hurts or the function of your wrist is affected or if you do not like the look of your cyst, there are many treatments available. Learn about the signs and symptoms of ganglion cysts to learn what to look out for.
What is a Ganglion Cyst?
A ganglion cyst is a lump that emerges out of a joint. These cysts are commonly round or oval shaped. These cysts grow from the tissues surrounding a joint including the ligaments, tendon sheaths, or joint linings in the hands. The cyst is filled with thick fluid similar to fluid that helps lubricate your joints.
Signs of a Ganglion Cyst
Signs of a ganglion cyst include the emergence of a smooth round bump, pressure, pain in the area of the lump, discomfort, numbness, pain, decreased range of motion in the cyst area, and trouble gripping with the hands.
Symptoms of Ganglion Cysts
Most ganglion cysts emerge as a visible lump on the skin. Small ganglion cysts also known as occult ganglion cysts may be located under the skin and are not visible to the naked eye. Since most ganglion cysts do not offer physical side effects the best way to determine whether you have one is by inspecting the hand.
In few cases, nerve pain can occur from the pressure that the joints put on an area causing feelings of weakness, tingling, and discomfort. Another symptom that many ganglion cysts offer is feelings of embarrassment or unhappiness with the way your hand appears.
What Areas Can Ganglion Cysts Grow?
Ganglion cysts can emerge in several joints of the hand or wrist. These include the top of the wrist, underside of the wrist, on the end joint of a finger, and at the base of a finger.
Causes of Ganglion Cysts
There are a variety of causes for ganglion cysts to occur. These include aging, those with repetitive stress to the wrists, and patients with arthritis. Women are also more likely than men to have ganglion cysts.
About the Practice
You can find effective ganglion cyst treatment at Neaman Hand Surgery. Here, Dr. Tsai will offer you a variety of surgical and nonsurgical treatment options including hand therapy or hand surgery. We look forward to improving the way that you look and feel so that you can restore the functionality and confidence that you deserve.
Contact Us
If you suspect that you have a ganglion cyst it is important to reach out to a professional to find out the best treatment plan for your needs. If you are located in the Salem or Portland, Oregon areas please contact us today by filling out our online contact form to schedule an appointment.